Jackson, WY
08/21/2012 - United States, Jackson, WY

Jackson, Wyoming
We had an auction in Pinedale, WY and an auction in Centennial, WY within a week of each other. Instead of flying all the way home, we decided to head to Jackson and enjoy a little vacation.
We stayed at the Spring Creek Ranch. It sits on the top of a hill next to the famous Amangani Resort. Stephen had gotten a great deal on the room due to a business connection.

The room was so cozy with a fireplace and a bearskin blanket. Even though it was August, it was only 32 degrees in the mornings because we were so high up on that hill.
We had the best time exploring Jackson. We had dinner at Café Genevieve (my favorite restaurant in Jackson) and danced the night away at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar (A must for partying western style!)
We were astounded by all of the art galleries as well. There were so many beautiful western art paintings for sale. I don’t know where I’d put one, but I know I wanted one!
We took a day trip up to Yellowstone National Park to see the animals and Old Faithful. It’s about an hour drive from Jackson just to the entrance. The park is absolutely massive. There is no way you can do the whole thing in one day.

We covered the southwest area of it, just far enough in to see Old Faithful. She was beautiful. Before she went off, we saw bison milling around further into the park.

It’s amazing how they are used to those big geysers and all of the tourists.
Before we left the park, we were fortunate enough to see Elk, Moose, Bison, and Owls. One of the elk came within 5 yards of us. Such an amazing site!

This is yet another bucket list thing that everyone needs to do. I never thought it would be that cool, but trust me, it is.
The other really must-do activity we did on this vacation was to float the Snake River. I don’t swim so we did the nice leisurely scenic version. Our guide was through Barker-Ewing Float Trips, and he absolutely wonderful. I wish I remembered his name. I would definitely give him a shout-out!
I had only really heard of going to Jackson for skiing in the winter. I am so glad we did it in the summer. I’ll remember this trip forever.