Atlantic city, NJ
06/12/2012 - United States, Atlantic City, NJ

Atlantic City
So I’d always been skeptical of Atlantic City…
I mean besides having the Miss America pageant there back in the day, I really didn’t see any reason for going. (Yes, I am Miss America fan. One of my best friends placed top 15 in 2002…shout of to Jen White!)
Anyway, it doesn’t exactly have the best reputation…ummm, Jersey Shore, Jwow, Snooki… but Stephen had a conference there, so I was going whether I wanted to or not.
I couldn’t have been more wrong!
The Borgata is the place to stay if you want a bit of class instead of the standard Jersey-shoreness.
Stephen had actually booked this trip (normally I take care of the travel planning), and he booked a suite to surprise me because he knew I didn’t want to go. The suite was GORGEOUS! It was huge, had THE most comfortable bed, and the bathroom was another room unto itself….I mean, the closet was actually in the bathroom…it was that big!
We had so much fun! Stephen had to do his conference and meetings, but I played the slots all day….no seriously, I played the American Idol slots for like 4 hours. I won a boatload of money and then prominently lost it all….but hey, it was 4 hours of fun, right?!? 🙂
Okay, so I normally always research restaurants before we go to any new city, but I had not researched anything in Jersey, and omg….I was excited when I saw that Bobby Flay had a restaurant in the Borgata.
My poor husband is looking at me with that “I don’t get it” face, and what do I do? I could have said, “He’s a famous celebrity chef!” I could said, “I really respect his style of cooking, and his attitude on Iron Chef!” But no…
I said, “He’s married to Stephanie March!”…. Yes, I do consider myself a massive Law and Order fan. I mean, any cruise ship member can relate….when you’re out at sea and your only channel is TNT, you become a fan whether you want to or not!
Mainly I’m a fan of Mariska Hargitay, but I think I’ve seen every single episode of SVU ever aired!
Seriously, my love of SVU was the only reason I dragged Stephen to see Peep Show in Vegas (Coco starred…I was hoping to see Ice T)…Not that it was that hard to get him to the show once I said the word “topless”…but I digress.
My girl crush on Mariska actually started when I went to a taping of David Letterman in 2003 and she was the guest. She is the epitome of grace and poise, and I have loved her ever since. 🙂
What was I talking about? Oh, Bobby Flay Steak… was delicious! Stephen and I weren’t actually that hungry so we had salads and shared the lamb chop. We sat at a little L shaped table and gazed in each other’s eyes. If you’re going to the Atlantic City, it’s perfect restaurant for a great romantic meal.
Best thing about this conference: Stephen made a great connection and sold a $28.7 million dollar deal out of it. I see Jersey in a whole new light!